Angelic Channel, Shamanic Healer, Author & Life Coach
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It’s All Elemental

June 6, 2017 by gerry


Margaret’s Message June 6th


Last week I hinted at what I wanted to share as my message for the month of June. I wanted to speak about the three things that were held in common by the three most popular observances of the month. Those three things are Father’s Day, Graduations and Weddings – as June is one of – if not the most popular wedding month of the year. What they share in common is something very basic – they are all celebrations of new beginnings and all involve elemental shifts!

Graduation marks a milestone of movement from one form of learning to another form – whether it be from Kindergarten to Grade School – Grade School to Middle School – Middle School to High School and then on to College, Graduate Schools, Doctoral Programs – or off to different forms of employment and the graduations that they often experience through the upward movement of promotions! These new beginnings are very singular in their nature as they are the direct result of your individual accomplishments and are all about your evolution as an individual. What is interesting however is that as you are progressing as an individual you are also moving along as a “class.” And part of the success you will encounter is not only about your individual achievements, but how you also stack up against the people in your class. I bring this up only to help you to see that the very groups that give you some sense of connection, acceptance and belonging, are also the groups that are giving you a sense of separation from other groups – and a sense of lack. Regardless of all of the amazing talent that might be in a particular class there will always be just one – or maybe two – Valedictorians. These are the individuals who have set themselves apart from the rest of the group by seemingly showing the most outstanding achievements. I am not speaking poorly of these individuals – because their achievements are great – but often there are other great achievers who lose their momentum for achieving their dreams when they do not seem as important as the top GPA or attendance record.

If I were to be speaking to the Graduates of a High School Class I would urge them to not compare themselves to others – for everyone is so very different – and many different voices make for a beautiful chorus! Rather, I would advise them to do those things that will help you to progress in society – but always look for the thing that brings them the greatest joy! There are many young people who have come into this incarnation with the skills to create vast new possibilities for this planet – that will never be realized if they settle their desires to the “status quo.”

A single person can change the course of the planet and if you look through history you will see that it is the actions of singular people who are changing it all the time. You are not “graduating” and leaving behind the knowledge of the past. You are evolving to the next level of your being and your schooling is just a part of that learning. It is interesting that many modern societies have come to the belief that learning is so important that you actually require it! Your soul always desires to grow. It desires new experiences, greater knowledge and you are always seeking a deeper understanding of yourself. Regardless of your current place in life, use this month of June to graduate to your newer level of evolution and know that all of you are in a class all by yourself and have come here to be the greatest expression of yourselves that you can possibly be!

Sometimes in that desire to become the greatest expression of yourself you come across another being that helps you to reach those heights – and often you do the same for them. When this takes place it allows you to feel safer to allow a greater opening of your heart centerwhich enables you to feel a pure connection to your soul – your higher self. This feeling of your own soul’s essential energy of pure love causes you to want to continue the connection to this person, who has triggered your feeling safe to do this, and you desire to prolong your contact with them. This usually evolves into relationships and some of these relationships will evolve into a joining of permanence that you have come to call Marriage. Relationships are a “graduation” in their own right. You graduate from thinking solely of your own needs and happiness and begin to desire to spread that love and joy to others. In the healthiest of relationships you do not give up your own self-care, but you expand that caring to include others and you derive joy from doing this – just as your beloved experiences the same with you. I mentioned earlier that so many marriages take place in the month of June because it provides, in many cases, the optimal weather conditions – allowing for the most auspicious beginning to this union of two souls that have come together to form something “bigger than the both of them!

Marriage is about joining two people together as a collective unit of energy. It is like when you combine two other elements of nature – for example – hydrogen and oxygen. Either one, on their own, provides a powerful and useful purpose, but combined they create water – which is the key to the existence of the entire planet. When you begin to see yourself as energetic beings, you come to realize that it is the combination of your individual energies that often leads to magnificent new energies that allow you to create other new possibilities. One’s energy brings to the other certain elements that may be lacking in their structure. The key, if you will, to human relationships, and especially marriage, as you have created it to be a lifelong joining, is to respect the structure of each individual’s makeup – supporting them to grow that expression of their energy – while respecting your unique energy as well. You then allow those energies to blend and see what develops through this blending. As with other elements – different blends work in different ways. Some blends will produce explosive results, while others are gentle transformations and some will not blend – seeking instead to just hold onto their original structure. I hope you can see how well this applies to people in relationships as well. Some blends are so easy and produce more joy and expansion than in their original forms. In other cases, the combinations are explosive and result in constant conflicts as each form seeks to retain their unique identity – while at the same time wanting to be in this mix of energies. And finally there are those relationships in which the elements just do not blend at all. But when these energies do blend, the result is an amazing new creation – an expression of combined soul energy that allows for a far greater expansion then the two individual souls could create – because their blending was based in the expansion of love – and a new and wonderful beginning takes place.

And sometimes when two souls join together – through marriage or just through the expression of a sexual union – this blending of energies actually gives birth to an entirely new human form – and that form becomes the container for an entirely new soul. And this new soul gives the two elements that joined together another new identity – that of a father and a mother. We honor Mothers during the month of May – but it is in June that we honor the energies of Fathers. In today’s times the roles of mothers and fathers have greatly blended – especially in the case of single parents. Father’s traditionally took on the role of the provider and protector. Today that may expand to being the coach, transporter, meal maker, laundry facilitator, homework helper and emotional support. What makes this such an amazing new beginning is that – like the marriage you desire to help this new being to be the greatest expression of itself that it can – and like with graduation – you watch them develop all of the skills they will need in life – from learning to feed themselves – to walking – to learning to read and so very much more. You support their growth – but you also try to protect them! The desire to protect their young is hard wired into the brains of almost all parents of all species – but it is most complicated as it refers to humans. You desire to protect – which comes from the brain – but you also desire to help your young ones to expand – which comes from the soul – so you then seek to find that perfect blend of energies that is called balance.

So you see dear ones, what Graduation and Marriage and Father’s Day have in common is that all three speak to new beginnings and all three are best accomplished through seeking balance of your personal elements in all things. When you cook, or eat the perfect meal, it is generally because all of the elements of that dish are balanced in such a way as to compliment the other. Balance work with fun… balance learning with sharing… balance your needs with other’s needs… balance teaching your children with learning from them…balance protecting with encouraging independence… and balance every struggle with love.

You drink water, or something made with water every day. You shower with it and you cook with it. Use water as your daily reminder of how perfectly two very different elements can come together to form something so wonderful. The one part of oxygen does not become upset that there are two parts of hydrogen – the blend works. Look for what works in your life and when it does celebrate it – like you would a graduation, or a wedding – or Father’s Day! And just as all of the elements complement each other – take some time to complement yourself on those blends that you have created in this lifetime, for however long they have lasted, for all of them have helped your soul to grow its energy and for you to grow in your humanity!

Go in peace, love and elemental balance,


Margaret’s Message for May – Change the Frequency – Change Your Life!

May 2, 2017 by gerry

Hello Dear Ones and Welcome,


I know that by now all of you have figured out that I am an “angel geek” about language! I love how you have created your words. I love how so many of them not only describe what you are speaking about – but many actually even describe the energy of that experience. One of those words is frequency. Frequency can describe how often one does something – like those of you who frequently listen to our radio program. In Old English, it actually referred to a gathering of people. Mathematics and Statistics have created their own meaning as the relative time something will repeat itself – Physics refers to frequency as the rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, as in sound waves, or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light). You are probably most familiar with Radio waves, as the distinct location at which a radio station is sending out its distinct message, or its radio frequency. The thing about all of these definitions is that they hold something in common. The greater the frequency, the greater the signal, the greater the power!

Frequency is all about vibration – and vibration is about the very particular energy that is created by an individual cellular thought and how much that energy is amplified, or repeated by the thought energy of others. Remember dear ones that everything all around you has energy – and that all life force energy comes from your souls. So the energy attracts other energy – begins to amplify that vibration and then produces a larger energy. So by example, many of you in the world are experiencing some unexpected results in your political activities. This is due to a vibration of discontent that picks up on other discontent and that energy binds together to form a frequency of that thought – which actually creates its own vibration that attracts more of the same.

In other words, thoughts – that are thought over and over (frequency of thought) creates its own energy around that thought (vibration) which then broadcasts out into the world and attracts other similar thinkers who expand that like thought into its own bandwidth of energy – which you then interpret as reality. Or, said differently, your thoughts create your reality!

Frequency is therefore the gathering of thoughts together into a common vibrational state. This makes sense when you think of radio. It is separated into stations –which are a frequency that is locked into a specific bandwidth of vibration – and each of those broadcasts something that the people going to that station agree that they like. So some are attracted to rock and roll music and other’s classical; some seek news stations and others “talk radio,” which generally has its own structure of opinion that is given voice by the host. The more people who “frequent” the broadcast expands its popularity and the more attraction it develops and therefore more like thinkers and a more powerful signal.

What is important to note, is that every message that is being broadcast can create different vibrations. It all depends on re-action to the vibration. So your thoughts may group together not only by the things that you love – but also by what you do not love (fear). Conflicting energies can cause mixed signals that can result in all types of energetic discord. Mostly this is caused by mis-communication. Someone who’s reality is set in a certain way of thought hears something that is said by another through the filter of their experiences and they feel discomfort in some way. This can result in massive problems like global disagreements – to smaller issues like dysfunctional cell-phones.

The greatest and strongest frequency of energy that exists in the entire universe is love. Love is actually what supports all of the other energies. Love, loves everything. It understands everything. It has compassion for everything and it sees the beauty in everything. Love seeks to gather together all of the other frequencies, even the opposing ones, so that all can understand that at their soul core – it all began with love! Love seeks to expand communication on every level!

That is what angels are seeking to help the world to do at this time. We are trying to spread the message of love. We are seeking to help you to understand that while you all see yourselves as identifying with certain “stations” of thought – you are actually LOVE personified. It is why Gerry and I are seeking to broadcast this message to larger frequencies and we are asking for your help in doing this. Spread the message of love! Deep inside you know that love is the highest vibration. That is why as children you could feel the lessening of the pain of your boo-boo when a gentle kiss was placed upon it by someone you loved.

We seek to increase the frequency of how often you speak about love – about joy – about gratitude – about compassion and about understanding this unique soul journey. For this will increase the vibration of these thoughts and the frequency of your personal vibration of love. That will increase your personal joy, and as that grows it will gather other like thinkers to you, which will further increase the vibration of love within your human form – until it reaches a level that you all begin to remember that you are not just humans expressing love, YOU ARE LOVE!

Go in the frequency of peace and love,

Click HERE to see the newsletter of May 2nd

Opening to an Even More Beautiful Version of You!

April 25, 2017 by gerry

Hello My Dear Friends,


I think that this could possibly be the most exciting Spring of my life! We are about to embark on an exciting new radio adventure that will allow us to bring Margaret to more people all over the world. We are touring in a totally unique way, being welcomed into people’s Living Rooms all over the US – and soon other countries – teaching them to communicate with their angels. We have launched this new weekly inspirational newsletter – and are searching for ways to offer more and more value to all of you – from the current substantially reduced rates on our services, to expanding our Soul Based Business program to a Lifetime Membership.

We chose to do these things now because Spring symbolizes the season of re-birth – and energetically we all do the same. We search and attempt to open up to a higher and better version of ourselves. Like flowers, we desire to open our potential, our capabilities, and our love to full bloom. But early Spring is also the time where unexpected heavy frosts can occur, that can be damaging the fragile blossoms. We experience the same thing with our new thoughts. Just when we begin to develop our small blossoms, starting our first steps into new territory, at the point when we just began to gain trust in our new way, we may experience something frightening, unknown or unexpected. And we realize that when we walk on unexplored pathways, we are at risk of being hurt, abandoned or even damaged. Our brain tries to move us back to previous beliefs so that we do not lose our stability. I have to be honest that many of the new changes we have created started out being a little scary too!

But can we ever reach our full potential when we stay in our safe harbor? Can we be a role model, or a compassionate support for others, if we haven’t gone through perceived lack, failure, misery and more. When we come through this we realize that not only are we still here afterward – we now have a wider range of experiences and deeper trust after having faced, and risen above, our personal setbacks! How strong can our self-confidence grow if we always sail on journeys that others set for us?

Have you ever gone through a really difficult situation in your life where you thought you never will be able to feel positive again? Most of us have experienced that, and isn’t it amazing how after some time we are able to move towards a new experience and good new positive feelings arise and trust begins to return?

Have we been a different person in the dark hours than in the light filled hours? No – we’ve always been the same. And that’s why we don’t need to fear to develop something new or different in our lives. As Margaret says, “we are connected to each other and the Creator” and so we cannot lose this energetic connection of where we came from. Our value is not determined by having achieved more or less than others, or on having lived a more easy and normal life than others. And if we are not exactly at the current place in our life that brings us our greatest joy, we always have the chance to adjust our course again.

That is the real miracle in human life, just as it is in nature: There’s always a new chance – a new day, or month, or even year to develop your blossoms and your full bloom. Your bloom can also vary every year – in the beginning of your life you might aspire excitement and adventure while in later days you enjoy more being at home in your garden – or your experience could be just the opposite  and your golden years may be the ones filled with youthful endeavors.

So even if you’ve experienced 30 years in a row in what felt like full bloom or you are seeking to experience it for the first time – It’s always in the current moment where you can plant the seeds! You can plant these seeds every day and then ask your angels to help those seeds to blossom! Make 2017 the most beautiful vintage version of You possible!

Our thoughts are with You and we wish you all the very Best on your personal Journey.

Gerry & Margaret

Click HERE to see the newsletter of April 25th

Your Desire to develop your Soul Based Life

April 23, 2017 by gerry

Hi My Dear Friends,

You might remember that at the beginning of this year Margaret spoke about this being the “Year of Expansion” and that is not only what we are urging others to do – it is exactly what we intend to do ourselves! We are expanding our messages and our services for you! We start this week by offering our first weekly newsletter. Each week we will be offering a message from Margaret, or myself, that we hope will inspire, educate or just lighten your spirits. This week we have some exciting news about the expansion of our radio program and Margaret and I would also like to speak with you about how #2017YearOfExpansion can tie together with your potential desire to develop your own unique, personal Soul Based Business as part of your Soul Based Life.

We all have the desire for expansion in our lives. Where does this desire come from? It comes from your soul! The soul always seeks expansion! There may be some aspects in your life, which you haven’t been able to completely develop, or maybe you can’t yet figure out what it is that you are looking for, but you feel there’s something more, or something ahead that you can almost taste – and you know it would bring you more joy!

In school we learn more or less that life works a certain way: education, job, family, house, retirement… But in reality there are millions of different possibilities and ways of life you can experience.

As Margaret explains, the Creator expanded itself by creating (human) beings that have a multitude of capabilities, and therefore the possibilities for creation are infinite. So it is absolutely okay if you don’t know what exactly you want to be doing because it is part of your journey to find that out! Your soul is always looking for new expressions, new experiences, for new ways to expand.

What makes the human journey a bit complicated is the habit in our culture to measure ourselves against each other (which comes from a feeling of separation) and to focus more on the outcome than on the journey. Your soul does not look for actually reaching a certain goal, what it urges for is the experience on the way to getting to a goal and the engagement on that way with other people. And on the way to the goal the path may change because that’s how new creations come to life. So if we focus too much on the outcome we may miss the experience part and we may miss the crossroad to our unique soul path.

There’s also millions of influences every day, from the people we live with, the people we work with, from the news, advertising etc. So it’s really not that easy to understand, what aspects are more coming from outside of you and what is more from the inside out. The only way we can find that out is to try things out and to listen to ourselves in quiet moments as much as we can.

In the Soul Based Business Program, that is jointly taught by Margaret and myself, our aim is to create a safe space for you where you feel nurtured, empowered and inspired to work on your personal expansion, at your pace and to engage with other people, from around the world, who are on a similar journey. We offer you many different lessons accompanied with audio lectures, where you can explore your values, where you can reflect on your goals, how to overcome road blocks and how to create a the work or business that will bring you joy! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up everyday and you can’t wait to get to work! We want to help you to discover that feeling. To find out what feels good in your life and what components you maybe want to remove from your life.

We believe that a Soul Based Life is all about connecting with other people and a fulfilling Soul Based Business is expanding the joy in your life into being of service to others – and creating even more joy in the process! That’s why we created this program to offer you exactly that – please join us!

Learn more on our upcoming radio show today!

All the very Best – Gerry Gavin


Click HERE to see the newsletter of April 18th

2017 – The Year of Expansion

December 29, 2016 by gerry


Hello Dear Ones and Welcome,


We are about to enter a new period of the measurement of time that you on earth refer to as the year 2017 AD.  Many are very concerned about this period and there are many out there who are espousing theories of doom and gloom and global catastrophe, which rival both the fears of the transition to the year Y2K and the end of the world concerns that surrounded the Mayan calendar and the year 2012.  It was at that latter time that I asked Gerry to first bring my messages to the world – so that I might speak two words to you and I speak to you again as we enter 2017 – FEAR NOT!

Just as in 2012, I urge you not to fear, because it is fear that draws more of its own energy to you and that which you dwell upon for prolonged periods of time does become your reality. But if that energy of fear is shared by tens of thousands of people throughout the world – then the ability to manifest more of it becomes so much greater!  President Franklin Roosevelt, during the largest world war and one of worst financial periods the world has ever seen, said it best when he uttered “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself!”  Truer words were never spoken – for it is the energy of fear that causes mankind to implode its own energy – rather than expanding upon the energy of love – and that, dear ones, is what my message for 2017 is all about. Choosing love over fear, taking back your soul power and expanding your personal and planetary energy!  I ask you all to see 2017 as the “Year of Expansion!”

It is a year to expand the energy of your soul and that means to consciously choose to make every effort to respond to every event in your life with love, compassion and understanding. In other words, come from the place of your soul. As amazing as it may seem, it is just as easy to respond to life from the place of love and expansion as it is to respond from the place of fear and contraction. The only reason you choose fear is because it feels “safe.” Fear allows you to re-act rather than respond. It causes you to act in a way that is similar to something you have done in the past in which you protected yourself from hurt or disappointment. Most times this leads you to either take an action that is similar to other people – so that you do not take the chance of making an “unpopular” decision – or you take no action at all, thus keeping you “out of the spotlight” so to speak.

But the re-markable thing is that you have just as often made decisions to expand your energy that have resulted in not only being safe – but being joy-filled as well!  Think about a time when you decided to try a new food that you now love today. The first time you tried it you were afraid – but then you had the courage to just try one little bite, and suddenly you were hooked! Once you knew that you loved it then you had to share it with others, just as new music you love, or movies, or TV shows, or art, or books and even people whom you have met. Once you identify something you love, the soul wants to help you to shout it out to the world! You want to share it with everyone – unless you then revert to a place of fear and think that perhaps if you share it there won’t be enough for you. This is the fear of lack and dear ones; this is the pervasive fear that is fueling the planet right now. You all fear that someone or something is going to take away that which you have from you – or somehow make your life worse in the future.  Recent political campaigns focused on who could create the greatest level of fear and interestingly enough – although many may be disappointed by the results of the elections in many countries – what has been the prevailing thought is that people wanted change from the status quo (expansion) – and yet at the same time they voted for the policies and people who said that they would protect what was theirs and keep others from coming in and taking it (fear and contraction).

In truth dear ones the only way to keep others from “taking” what is yours is to freely share it For there is no lack – there is only more and if you focus on creating more in all that you do then there is no need to fear that others will take that from you.  If you look at your life today and think back to what it was just ten years ago, you will see that it is filled with so much technology and wonder and amazement then you ever could have imagined at that time. Your souls are constantly bringing you to expansion, but you just don’t see it because as soon as you have something then your brain fears losing it. FEAR NOT!! There is more where that came from.

There is no end to your creativity – no end to your potential – no end to the love that is the essence of your being.  You only need to think EXPANSION. See yourself as a balloon. Would you prefer to see yourself as a balloon that constantly lets the air out of itself so that it is the same as smaller balloons (well who does that balloon think she is that she is all filled up with herself) or would you seek to expand yourself to be as large as possible – making it easier for you to float and climb and bounce around with joy? But now I can hear many of you saying, “But Margaret what if I blow myself up too big and I pop!” Dear ones, the balloon that is your soul is an ever expanding balloon that never pops – it just grows larger and the beautiful part is that when you share the breath of your expansion with others – to help them to grow – you never lose any of your growth – you just get bigger!

You can start this growth, this amazing expansion for 2017, by taking a few moments to reflect back on 2016 and to ask yourself what things you are grateful for in this past year. I have heard so many of you say that you can’t wait for this year to be over. You have lost many icons – which means only that those who have expanded your lives have now expanded beyond their bodies and back to their soul state. You have had tough financial or personal times, or you fear the direction that the leaders of the world are going. Perhaps you have had health challenges. Whatever your challenges or disappointments have been in this past year there have also been things that have been wonderful. If you can’t think of things to be thankful for, it only means that your brain is locked in lack. So ask yourself, “why is it so easy for me to remember things from these past years that make me grateful?” Then just think back month by month to some of the things that happened that month. If you do so you will find that for all of your challenges and doubts there were positive things that happened as well. Keep repeating this, for those memories are stored.  Think of the music, movies, TV shows, you-tube videos, food, people and animals who made you happy this past year and give thanks for those things – because if you want to expand your energy you want to start from a place of gratitude – for gratitude helps you to recognize love and joy and then you can expand upon that!  You do not desire to expand upon that which you fear! Your desire is to expand on that for which you are grateful! And if your response is to think that you had nothing to be grateful for in 2016, then that dear one is the energy you are drawing to you for 2017 and I ask you please open your heart and mind to the joy – because I guarantee you that it is there! Call upon your angels to help you – or even feel free to call upon me and I will help you to find your joy from this past year so you can bring it forward and expand that joy into the New Year!!!

This year has the potential to be the most amazing year ever – in the history of this planet – and all of you hold within you a part of making that happen. Choose joy – choose love – choose compassion – choose understanding – CHOOSE EXPANSION! Choose to start your day by saying “Why is it so easy for this to be my most expansive day ever! Why is it so easy for today to be the most wonderful day of my life?”

Go in Peace, Love, Gratitude and Expansion,


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